Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Favorite Band

One of my favorite bands is The Beatles, they are the most popular rock band of all history. Their principal influences are the popular singers from the 50´s, mostly Roy Orbison, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, among others. They started to play at a very young age and soon they became very famous, they played together for 10 years until they broke up in 1970. They split up for reasons that I still don’t understand. I really like this band, because I’ve been listening to them since I can’t remember. My parents also liked this band, and we would listen to it while doing the chores. When I grew up, I started to understand their lyrics and pay more attention to their music, and this made me like them even more. My favorite song is “If I fell”, because I like the voice of the singer, John, and because the lyrics are very beautiful and it relaxes me listening to it

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Sabina, but why is it in white? I had to highlight it to read it!

    Wonderful English and great song.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but you were at the hospital last Friday? Are you OK now?

    2 points

