Friday, April 27, 2012

My Favourite Piece of Technology

My favourite piece of technology is the WC. Though it is not a so technological piece in compared to a computer, is indispensable currently. 

The WC is an artifact of the toilet that is utilized for be get rid of the waste. Thanks to God I have it since I have use of reason. It was invented by John Harington in 1597 and its original name is “Water Closet”. The WC along with the sewer system was a revolutionary invention in the cities because helped to prevent illnesses that affected to the society.

I use the WC several times to the day, every day, and I like a lot because keep the hygiene and is very comfortable. I think in the modern countries, above all in the city, nobody would be able to live without the WC, I can’t live without it, except when I bag packing.


  1. Damnt, i haven`t think this. But anyway i can live without the WC becuause im a men and the society don`t reject -too much- this act.

  2. hahaha!!!! I also love the toillete,When I'm at the university, I always have to go!
    See you girl!!

  3. hahahaa!! it's so funny but it's a truly history!
    Best regards!

  4. Woooow!! I agree with you!!
    the WC is essential in the life!!

  5. hi baby!
    the WC is very important in my life, everydays we need go to the WC. It's part of my life, and yours.

    very good post!

    see you!

  6. Good job, Natalia. Well, yes, you are right!

    I would say:

    "Even though it is not SUCH a technological piece compared to a computer, IT is CURRENTLY indispensable.

    And say, "To get rid of" and "thanks God".

    Don´t forget objects pronouns and subjects pronouns:

    "I like IT a lot because IT keep the hygiene and IT is very comfortable."

    Finally, say "backpacking" and " have the use of reason" or "I am aware of"

    2 points.

