Friday, June 15, 2012

"La Tirana"

My plans for the winter break are to travel to the Tirana's Festival. This is a religious festival in honor of the Virgin of the Carmen that celebrates the 16th of July in the town of La Tirana, region of Tarapacá, Chile. 

In the festival can enjoy the dances, the colors, the disguises, the rites and above all the wonderful music of the carnival. Among the dances that are carried out are the "Caporales", the "Diabladas", the "Morenadas" among others. Also the beautiful north of Chile can be known and all the traditions of that region.
I would like to go there because I love the carnival and the Andean music, and is a plan that has with my friends a long time ago. I dance in a carnival organization and interest me a lot of to be able to continue learning about the carnivals that exist in our country.
High possibilities exist than can go to the festival, only lacks to have a little more than money and desires to go and to pass it very very well, enjoying absolutely all.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Pierre Bourdieu

Pierre Bourdieu was a sociologist, anthropologist, and philosopher. He was born in French in August 1st, 1930. His parents were a countrymen and Pierre was their only son. He studied Philosophy in the Upper teacher college os Paris. He went to investigative to Argelia, returning to Paris in 1960 as a result of the war in that country. He was a professor in the University of Paris, Doctor Honoris Causes of several universities and member of the European Academy of Arts and Scienses. He dies in January 23th, 2002.

He's work is dominated by a sociological analysis of the social hierarchies reproduction mechanisms. He was pioneer an investigative frameworks anda terminologies such as cultural, social, and symbolic capital, and the concepts of habitus, field or location, and symbolic violence to reveal the dynamics of power relations in social life. His more famous books are "The Heirs", "The Male Domination" and "The Misery of the World" amongs others.

I like Pierre Bourdeiu beacuse is a very interesting author and achieve to incorporate the relational, reflexive anda critic analysis to the study of the social scienses. Has been a great contribute to the day of today.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Favorite Photograph

My favorite photograph is from New Year’s night of this year. This picture it was taken by my cousin Carla who is my neighbor. That night was awesome because I was with my family and Carla’s family, all of us appear in the picture. We have a lot of fun together and this picture shows that. To celebrate New Year’s Day we had dinner in my aunt’s frontyard and we ate turkey then we through out confetti, we put us caps and we drank champagne, and then we watched the homemade firework made by my brother Daniel. After that, we dance all night long. I like this picture because remind to me the happy moments lived with my family when we meet to celebrate special dates.

Friday, May 4, 2012

My Favorite Dish

My Favorite Dish is the Corn Pie.
The Corn Pie is a typical dish of Chile and  cooks itself chiefly in summer along with the "Humitas" because in that epoch of the year the corn are mature and tender.

The ingredients of this dish are shattered corn, chicken, basil, shattered meat, and a lot of sugar. Also are added hard-boiled eggs, olives and seasonings to give him a special flavor. This dish is served in a pan of clay to conserve the heat and it is heated in the oven until the surface be gilded.

The corn pie is one of my favorite dishes because since I am girl my mom cooks her.  Besides he mixes many flavors and typical seasonings of Chile that give him a very rich bittersweet flavor. This dish always we eat it in summer with all the family.

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Favourite Piece of Technology

My favourite piece of technology is the WC. Though it is not a so technological piece in compared to a computer, is indispensable currently. 

The WC is an artifact of the toilet that is utilized for be get rid of the waste. Thanks to God I have it since I have use of reason. It was invented by John Harington in 1597 and its original name is “Water Closet”. The WC along with the sewer system was a revolutionary invention in the cities because helped to prevent illnesses that affected to the society.

I use the WC several times to the day, every day, and I like a lot because keep the hygiene and is very comfortable. I think in the modern countries, above all in the city, nobody would be able to live without the WC, I can’t live without it, except when I bag packing.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Favorite Band

One of my favorite bands is The Beatles, they are the most popular rock band of all history. Their principal influences are the popular singers from the 50´s, mostly Roy Orbison, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, among others. They started to play at a very young age and soon they became very famous, they played together for 10 years until they broke up in 1970. They split up for reasons that I still don’t understand. I really like this band, because I’ve been listening to them since I can’t remember. My parents also liked this band, and we would listen to it while doing the chores. When I grew up, I started to understand their lyrics and pay more attention to their music, and this made me like them even more. My favorite song is “If I fell”, because I like the voice of the singer, John, and because the lyrics are very beautiful and it relaxes me listening to it

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Autobiography

Hello! mi name is Natalia Sabina Gallegos Cordero.
I was born December 4th 1989 in the Barros Luco Hospital in San Miguel. My Mother is Gloria Cordero, she works as housekeeper for a well-off family in Las Condes moreover, my Dad, Juan Gallegos is a plumber.
I have a brother two years younger than me, his name is Daniel Gallegos and I have a very close relatioship whith him  though we are very different.
I live in Puente Alto with my parents and muy brother and all my pets, I have eleven cats and three dogs, we are a big family. Furthermore, my aunt lives next door with her family.
In my house I play a lot with my pets and I like to celebrate with my family in the front yard, we have a lot of fun